Become a good Web Entrepreneur!

The money is three times as on the Internet as in current life. But from there to make of internet your main source of Money, a sinuous path waits for you. However the expertise of Web is in your reach. Familiarized with the main poles of the sale on the Internet, you wish to perfect your techniques to increase your profitability. By choosing The INDMA training  as Web entrepreneur, you choose the professionals who will know how to have all the tools to spread your network on the net. You will master the growth of your turnover while deepening your knowledge on the preferences of your customers. Discover Web entrepreneurship and release yourselves from constraints of the material to enter the digital world.



Web Entrepreneur

The process of data collection

  • Conceive your site
  • Organize the structure of the site
  • The call to action
  • Analyze the traffic and the trends
  • An e-commerce site known
  • SEO and referents sites
  • The social networks

Position and propose a product

  • Anticipate the trend
  • Study your positioning
  • Propose a product or a service
  • The importance of the contents
  • The tools of analysis of audience
  • Make the Web ad(
  • The optimization of the site’s visibility

Realize transactions

  • The safety of the purchases of your customers
  • Les modes de paiement web
  • Le choix des modes de paiement
  • le parrainage
  • La livraison des produits ou services
  • Les garanties
  • La gestion des retours

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Tous ceux ou celles qui s'incrivent dès maintenant bénéficieront de cette réduction exceptionnelle de 50 %. Ils auront aussi accès à notre plaforme de formation en ligne et aux ressources de l'Academie du Web Entrepreneuriat.
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